Domain Redemption Fees

Automatically apply grace and redemption fees to your domain customers

Image courtesy of ICANN

Grace and redemption are the statuses domains enter after they expire and in WHMCS 7.5, you can setup grace and redemption rules for all the extensions you offer.

In addition to setting timeframes, you can configure additional renewal fees to be applied automatically as domains enter these new statuses.

We've also done the hard work for you, collating a list of the most common grace and redemption periods for over 800 of the most common TLDs and extensions.

PHP 7.1 & 7.2 Support

Now compatible with PHP 5.6, 7.0, 7.1 and 7.2

WHMCS 7.5 adds support for the latest versions of PHP including both PHP 7.1 and 7.2.

This has been made possible thanks to new encoder/loader technology from Ioncube. As a result, you will need to ensure you are running Ioncube Loader version 10.1 or higher to be able to upgrade to WHMCS 7.5.


Allowing you to tag and notify other administrative users

The new mentions functionality in WHMCS 7.5 provides a quick and easy way to alert other administrative users to new notes you add.

Using the familiar @ mention syntax, when composing a note, type @ and you will be presented with a list of admin users you can mention. Upon save, email notifications will be sent out to any mentioned users.

Staff mentions are supported for both Client and Ticket Notes.

Affiliate Referral Tracking

Get deeper insights into where your affiliate referral traffic is coming from

With WHMCS 7.5, you can see exactly where your affiliate referral traffic is coming from, as well as see trends in the volume of traffic over time.

With a range of time periods to choose from, you can dial in the referral statistics you see to the time period you're interested in.

Marketing Emails Consent

More flexibility, control and tracking of marketing email consent

WHMCS 7.5 gives you greater control over how your users opt into your mailing lists. You can choose your preference of either opt-in or opt-out experiences during both registration and checkout, and customise the message users see.

Other new features include full logging of consent approval, the ability to request consent from your users at any time with new email merge field functionality including both opt-in and opt-out urls, and new mass mail functionality including options to filter recipients by country.

SiteLock Integration

Offer your customers SiteLock Website Security Services

SiteLock, the newest addition to MarketConnect, allows you to offer SiteLock's Website Security and Scanning services to your customers.

As with all MarketConnect services, it's easy to get started offering SiteLock to your customers with one-click instant activation, a pre-made dedicated landing page, and full provisioning and management automation.

Setup Overview & Tasks

A new quicker, easier way to access setup functions

The new Setup Overview page makes it quicker and easier to find the setup functions you're looking for with a complete indexing of all setup and configuration aspects and real-time search facility.

The new setup tasks feature is designed to assist new users getting started with the product, highlighting key features and areas that should be configured, and some of the more advanced features and functionality available in WHMCS.

Password Generation

The default password complexity has been increased to include special characters when auto generating passwords for provisioning of new services.

Domain Pricing Matrix

A new public domain pricing page has been added to allow customers to see all extensions you offer along with any grace and redemption period renewal fees.

Clients Profile Tickets Tab

Providing quicker, more direct and convenient access to view a customers ticket history without leaving the client profile.

Data Retention Policy Automation

New functionality has been added to allow automatic enforcement of your client data retention policy. Learn more

MarketConnect - Dashboard Widget

A new dashboard widget provides an overview of active MarketConnect services and allows you to keep track of your available balance more easily.

Attachments support in Ticket Related APIs

The API functions OpenTicket, AddTicketReply and AddTicketNote now support attachments. Learn more

Client Data Export

A new export option has been added that allows you to export all data relating to a given client in a machine readable format for easy transfer and archival.

In-line Quick Edit

New in-line edit links allow authenticated admin users to edit announcements and knowledgebase categories and articles directly from the client area.

3rd Party File Handling

We've made improvements to our file loading routines to attempt to automatically detect files encoded using older Ioncube encoder technology that is no longer compatible with your system.

Legacy Module Removal

The 7.5 update includes a one-time routine that inspects and attempts to remove legacy and deprecated modules that are no longer maintained or supported.